
10/10/2023 - 16:30

Alexandre Renaux behaalde op 10 oktober 2023 de academische graad van DOCTOR IN DE WETENSCHAPPEN met de volgende doctorale thesis: "Het overbruggen van de kenniskloof in multigenetische pathogeniteitsvoorspellingen. Gebruik van geïntegreerde kennisgrafieken en machine learning methoden om voorspellingen betreffende oligogenetische ziekten te verklaren"

Alexandre Renaux obtained on October 10, 2023 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: "Bridging the Knowledge Gap in Multigenic Pathogenicity Predictions Leveraging integrated networks and machine learning to explain predictions in oligogenic diseases"

Promotors: Prof. dr. Ann Nowé (VUB), Prof. dr. Tom Lenaerts (ULB)

Gezamenlijk doctoraat met / Joint PhD with Université libre de Bruxelles

05/10/2023 - 17:00

Ramon de Koning behaalde op 5 oktober 2023 de academische graad van DOCTOR IN DE BIO-INGENIEURSWETENSCHAPPEN met de volgende doctorale thesis: "Unravelling the raffinose family oligosaccharides metabolic pathway in common bean: From gene discovery to gene editing for improved nutrition"

Ramon de Koning obtained on October 5, 2023 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF BIOENGINEERING SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: "Unravelling the raffinose family oligosaccharides metabolic pathway in common bean: From gene discovery to gene editing for improved nutrition"

Promotor: Prof. dr. Geert Angenon

28/09/2023 - 17:00

Amber Bernauw behaalde op 28 september 2023 de academische graad van DOCTOR IN DE BIO-INGENIEURSWETENSCHAPPEN met de volgende doctorale thesis: "High-throughput screening and detailed characterization of Lrp-type transcription factors for the development of beta-alanine responsive biosensors"

Amber Bernauw obtained on September 28, 2023 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF BIOENGINEERING SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: "High-throughput screening and detailed characterization of Lrp-type transcription factors for the development of beta-alanine responsive biosensors"

Promotors: Prof. dr. ir. Eveline Peeters, Dr. ir. Indra Bervoets, Prof. dr. Sophie de Buyl


27/09/2023 - 14:00

Johan Konings behaalde op 27 september 2023 de academische graad van DOCTOR IN DE WETENSCHAPPEN met de volgende doctorale thesis: "Partial Algebraic Quantum Groups"

Johan Konings obtained on September 27, 2023 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: "Partial Algebraic Quantum Groups"

Promotor: Prof. dr. Kenny De Commer





05/09/2023 - 15:00

Liesbet De Backer behaalde op 5 september 2023 de academische graad van DOCTOR IN DE INTERDISCIPLINAIRE STUDIES met de volgende doctorale thesis: "Sociale netwerkvorming en toegang tot sociale steun van niet-begeleide vluchtelingen in hun transitie naar volwassenheid"

Liesbet De Backer obtained on September 5, 2023 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES with the following doctoral thesis: "Social network development and access to social support of unaccompanied refugees in their transition to adulthood"

Promotors: Bas Van Heur (VUB), Ilse Derluyn (UGent)

30/08/2023 - 14:00

Mathieu Reymond behaalde op 30 augustus 2023 de academische graad van DOCTOR IN DE WETENSCHAPPEN met de volgende doctorale thesis: "On incorporating prior knowledge about the decision maker in multi-objective reinforcement learning"

Mathieu Reymond obtained on August 30, 2023 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: "On incorporating prior knowledge about the decision maker in multi-objective reinforcement learning"

Promotor: Prof. dr. Ann Nowé (VUB)

25/08/2023 - 16:00

Brajabandhu Pradhan behaalde op 25 augustus 2023 de academische graad van DOCTOR IN DE BIO-INGENIEURSWETENSCHAPPEN met de volgende doctorale thesis: "Structural Characterisation of Endospore Appendages (ENA) and the bacterial functional amyloid curli"

Brajabandhu Pradhan obtained on August 25, 2023 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF BIOENGINEERING SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: "Structural Characterisation of Endospore Appendages (ENA) and the bacterial functional amyloid curli"

Promotors: Prof. dr. Han Remaut (VUB)

04/07/2023 - 10:00

Jordi Sans Duñó behaalde op 4 juli 2023 de academische graad van DOCTOR IN DE WETENSCHAPPEN met de volgende doctorale thesis: "Measuring the availability of metals in large mixtures with diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) devices"

Jordi Sans Duñó obtained on July 4, 2023 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: "Measuring the availability of metals in large mixtures with diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) devices"

Promotors: Prof. dr. Jaume Puy (UdL), Prof. dr. Joan Cecilia (UdL), Prof. dr. Yue Gao (VUB)

Gezamenlijk doctoraat met University of Lleida (UdL) / Joint PhD with University of Lleida (UdL)

29/06/2023 - 09:00

Philip Hacker behaalde op 29 juni 2023 de academische graad van DOCTOR IN DE WETENSCHAPPEN met de volgende doctorale thesis: "Complexity, chaos and black hole microstates"

Philip Hacker obtained on June 29, 2023 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: "Complexity, chaos and black hole microstates"

Promotor: Prof. dr. Ben Craps

27/06/2023 - 10:00

Liuelsegad Belayneh Bunare behaalde op 27 juni 2023 de academische graad van DOCTOR IN DE WETENSCHAPPEN met de volgende doctorale thesis: "Geulerosie in de Southern Main Ethiopian Rift: kenmerken, ruimtelijke en temporele verdeling en sediment opbrengst"

Liuelsegad Belayneh Bunare obtained on June 27, 2023 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: "Gully erosion in the Southern Main Ethiopian Rift: characteristics, spatial-temporal distribution, and sediment yield"

Promotors: Prof. dr. Matthieu Kervyn (VUB), Dr. Olivier Dewitte (Koninklijke Museum voor Midden Afrika), Dr Guchie Gulie (Arba Minch University), Prof. dr. em. Jean Poesen (KULeuven)
